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Osnovna škola Josipa Kozarca 

(Slatina, Croácia)

Opis škole

Osnovna škola Josipa Kozarca nezavisna je od 1. veljače 1998. Osnivač škole je Virovitičko – podravska županija, koja je zajedno s gradom Slatinom, partner  škole u postizanju planova i ciljeva.

Škola se sastoji od matične škole i četiri područne škole u selima u blizini Slatine (Sladojevci, Donji Meljani, Novi Senkovac i Kozice). U glavnoj školi postoji osam razreda i četiri razreda u područnim školama. U školskoj godini 2016. / 2017. školu pohađa 570 učenika u 32 razreda od kojih 485 učenika pohađa matičnu školu, a 86 učenika pohađa područne škole.

Škola zapošljava 68 ljudi, ravnatelja, 18 učitelja predmetne nastave, 30 učitelja razredne nastave, 3 stručnog suradnika i 17 ostalih članova osoblja.

Škola organizira izborne predmete: katolički vjeronauk (1. - 8. razred), njemački (4.-8. razred), ICT (5.-8. razred). Velik broj studenata je uključen u različite izvannastavne aktivnosti i izvanškolske aktivnosti u kojima su potpuno izražena učenikova postignuća, kreativnost i originalnost, uključujući vrlo kreativna mentorstva.

Učitelji igraju važnu ulogu u životima učenika, pomažu u izgradnji njihovog karaktera, podučavaju ih akademskom znanju i vještinama koje im trebaju u životu.

1st activity: "What are you, Mathematics?"

In October of 2017. we worked on the first activity called 'What are you Mathematics?'

We transfers the knowledge of Mathematics into our school yard. Students had the task to measure the leghth of our school's ground plan. Students were divided into groups.

The point of this activity was to awaken the awareness of our students of the fact how it was in the past and how people use to measure objects, for example ancient Egyptians.

Measurement became a necessitiy in the ancient times especially in the times of exchanging goods and at the beginning of agriculture, there was a need for developing units of length, surface, volume, time and angles.

2nd and 3rd activities: "Mathematics and what else?"

The second activity of the project, called "Mathematics and what else?", was marked in the month of the fight against addiction (15.11 - 15.12.). Students participating in the project conducted a survey called "Addiction to Computer / Internet". As announcements for the survey results, high grade students helped them record the film. They have made several sound sentences and placed them on the school board.

2nd activity

2nd activity

Assista agora
In the third activity of the ERASMUS + project 'Mathematica regina omnium scientiarum et- learning the path to success' connected their mathematical knowledge to the upcoming Christmas holidays.
4th activity: "Physics around us"

The fourth activity of the project, called "Physics around us".
On 30th January we had a workshop called 'Physics around us'. The workshop was meant for 6th grade students who were getting to know Physics through experiments about physical phenomena and various processes that they encounter in everyday life.
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